Posted by Hello Cool World

Hello Cool World Founder talks Story, Money, Impact

15 April 2016

Founder and creative director, Katherine Dodds, will be interviewed on Roundhouse Radio on Monday, April 18. Tune in 7-8pm on Indie Audio with Martin Strong!

Hello Cool World founder Katherine Dodds (aka Kat) is featured in the new book, Story Money Impact: Funding Media for Social Change by Tracey Friesen, a practical guide for media-makers, funders, and activists who share the common goal of creating an impact with their work. This year is HCW's 15th anniversary, which is the length of time we've been engaged with creating an impact through storytelling. Kat will discuss our role as the grassroots campaign designers and impact producers behind the hit documentaries, The Corporation and 65_RedRoses

Hello Cool World continually breaks new ground in the effort to connect audiences to the films’ causes while sustaining action over the long run. This interview is perfect timing as the month of April is when we turn our attention to the topic of organ donation. And as timing would have it, we have just wrapped our very succesful fundraising campaign for The Corporation, and are partnering with Cinema Politica to release the 10th Anniversary version on video on demand on April 25. If you are educator, you can still sign up to get The Corporation free to use in your classroom. Tune in to Roundhouse Radio from 7pm-8m on Indie Audio with Martin Strong to hear about it all!

April is Organ Donation Month: Give Life. #4Eva.

65_RedRoses chronicles Eva Markvoort’s battle with cystic fibrosis (CF) as she waits for a lung transplant. Hello Cool World is working with the filmmakers and keep alive a legacy campaign for organ donation and CF awareness, #4Eva.

In honour of organ donation month, all 65_RedRoses t-shirts are only $20! If you’re in Canada, we’ll also throw in the DVD for FREE.

From April 18-20, we’ll be doing our part to promote BC Transplant's #48in48 Registration Drive to get 48,000 Canadians signed up as organ donors in 48 hours. Join us online using the #48in48 hashtag and help spread the word!

Arts & Health Mini Documentary about the many intersections of arts and health.

Hello Cool World partnered with Arts Health BC and Arts Health Network Canada to produce a ‘mini-doc’ on Arts & Health activity in Canada, based on a few of the many projects profiled in their "On the Map" research report in BC. The mini-doc features a range of Arts & Health initiatives and includes interviews with a few champions in BC, including checking in with longtime cohorts from our own projects past, including the origins of the #4Eva Heart campaign.

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