Posted by Hello Cool World

Now is the time to Leap Canada

18 October 2015

Tomorrow is election day here in Canada and for many, it's an especially important one.

Tomorrow is election day here in Canada and for many, it's an especially important one. Parties are taking strong stances around issues of electoral reform and open governance, climate change and the environment, indigenous and immigrant rights, as well as major economic initiatives.

"Small steps will no longer get us to where we need to go. So we need to leap.”

Canadians are showing their support for a bolder vision by signing the non-partisan Leap Manifesto endorsed by Naomi Klein, David Suzuki and many others. The Leap Manifesto Canada sets out a vision for Canada to address climate change in a way that changes our country for the better – creating more and better jobs, restoring and expanding our social safety net, reducing economic, racial and gender inequalities, achieving meaningful justice for First Nations, as well as welcoming many more migrants and refugees.

We can move in the direction of a 100% clean economy – while building a fairer, more humane society in the process. Sign the Leap Manifesto >>

And don't forget to vote!


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